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Politics and government*
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[Man By Helicopter]

Image shows a man either entering or exiting a Province Of Alberta helicopter. The back of the photograph reads "Helicoptor lift to Kakwa Forestry tower. Porcupine Forestry cabin nearby, 1970. Also Indian 'house' graves."

United Farmers of Alberta, Birchview Local 376 fonds

  • CA GPR 0017
  • Fonds
  • 1920-1926

The fonds consists of one minute book from 1920-1926 which detail the decisions and activities of UFA Local 376. Inside the rear cover of the minute book is a list of all the members who bought binder twine through the UFA for the 1926 harvest.

United Farmers of Alberta. Birchview Local 376

First Land Office Opening

A group of men are waiting for the new land office to open on Bear Creek (Grande Prairie). From the Edmonton Bulletin in 1911, "the Grande Prairie Agency of the Dominion Lands opened here July 15. A.S. McLean, formerly assistant of the Edmonton Land Office is in charge." James Lowe is on the extreme left in the front row, Mr. Carveth Sr. is in the white hat in the second row. George Burke, George Lovering and Hugh Ferguson are also in the picture.

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