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Affichage de 171946 résultats

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145740 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

T.E. Brown fonds

  • PAA PR3807
  • Fonds
  • [189-?]-1972

Fonds consists of military service and personal records of Dr Thomas Erwin (T.E) Brown, a veteran of both World Wars and a doctor in Taber and Lethbridge. Records include Brown’s military notebooks, ration books, field notes and correspondence; an account book from Brown’s medical practice in Taber in the 1930s and pamphlets relating to pediatric medicines; photographs of Brown’s family; and a sketchbook with Brown’s drawings of his home and family.

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Arthur Cload fonds

  • CA EDM MS-182
  • Fonds
  • [191-?] - 1987

The fonds consists of materials created or collected by Arthur Cload of Edmonton and dating from ca. 1910-1987.This fonds consists of one small album of postcards, mainly of scenes in early 20th century Prairie Provinces. There are also typewritten copies of "Recollections of Arthur Osborne Cload", "My Own Story" which includes the memories of his youth, WWI, coming to Canada in 1925 under the British Empire settlement Scheme and "Recollections of Early Auctioneers" pertaining to Edmonton.

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Airborne leaflets collection

  • CA MRUASC C0017
  • Collection
  • [191-]-1991, predominant 1939-1945

Fonds mostly consists of propaganda leaflets dropped from Allied and German aircraft during World War II, but also contains leaflets from other conflicts (including the First World War, Vietnam War, Gulf War) and political campaigns. The airborne leaflets targeted enemy combatants, munition workers, and civilians and were designed to undermine morale, persuade their readers to surrender or stop fighting/working, or provide access to censored war news.

Beth McNaughton fonds

  • MIL A5
  • Fonds
  • [191-?]-1981

The fonds consists of a scrapbook of news and magazine clippings about the Royal Family, collected items of historical interest, and items of personal memorabilia.

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Purdy Family fonds

  • CA MRUASC F0031
  • Fonds
  • [191-]-[1950], [1993?]

Fonds illustrates the military service of two members of the Purdy family; Gordon Purdy and his son Douglas Gordon Purdy. Fonds consists of military medals from World War I and World War II, a book about the battle of Dieppe, and reproductions of photographs and military records.

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The series consists of various objects collected by Ian Thomson. A complete item list is available.

Margaret Tait collection

  • CA EDM MS-1146
  • Collection
  • [ca. 192-?] - 1975

This collection consists of various materials related to the Edmonton Grads basketball team. The records include Winnie Martin Tait's Edmonton Grads scrapbook, an academic paper written by Jennifer Miller-Tait, photographs of the Edmonton Grads, and six figurines made in the likeness of Edmonton Grad team members.

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Résultats 1 à 10 sur 171946