- GLEN glen-1283-is-glen-cartoon-m-8000-182
- Item
- November 15, 1977
Part of Tom Innes fonds
Innes, Tom, Calgary, Alberta
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Part of Tom Innes fonds
Innes, Tom, Calgary, Alberta
" . . . . and the winner is . . . ."
Part of Tom Innes fonds
Innes, Tom, Calgary, Alberta
" . . . And the top-of-the-morning to you, sir!"
Part of Tom Innes fonds
Innes, Tom, Calgary, Alberta
". . . And so the aldermen paid back all the money and the union leader lived happily ever after."
Part of Tom Innes fonds
Innes, Tom, Calgary, Alberta
Part of Tom Innes fonds
Innes, Tom, Calgary, Alberta
" ... All the king's horses and all the king's men .... etc .... etc ..."
Part of Tom Innes fonds
Innes, Tom, Calgary, Alberta
" ... And I don't want any panic phone calls ... I want to enjoy my vacation."
Part of Tom Innes fonds
Innes, Tom, Calgary, Alberta
Part of Tom Innes fonds
Innes, Tom, Calgary, Alberta
" !! Gov't ... first it was metric, now this!"
Part of Tom Innes fonds
Innes, Tom, Calgary, Alberta
Part of Tom Innes fonds
Innes, Tom, Calgary, Alberta