Showing 4246 results

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Indigenous peoples
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3158 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

"$43 Million facelift for Alta. Legislature:  Suits my humble origins!!!"
"$43 Million facelift for Alta. Legislature: Suits my humble origins!!!"
1st Battalion, Edmonton Fusiliers, baseball team.
1st Battalion, Edmonton Fusiliers, baseball team.
2 Indians in wagon
2 Indians in wagon
2 Indians, Jacob Swampy on left
2 Indians, Jacob Swampy on left

Indian totem pole
247. Indian totem pole
"25 cents!  Ain't you the lucky one.  I need a million."
"25 cents! Ain't you the lucky one. I need a million."

Indian Cemetery, Yale
262. Indian Cemetery, Yale

Indian fishing group, Yale
273. Indian fishing group, Yale

Indian Rancherie, Fraser River
275. Indian Rancherie, Fraser River

Indians fishing
277. Indians fishing
Results 1 to 10 of 4246