Affichage de 5974 résultats

Description archivistique
Politics and government*
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4838 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

An Alderman and R. A. Brown on transmission pole.

  • CA ccg is-ccg-3088
  • Pièce
  • 02 April 1914

Items consist of one negative and one copy print of an Alderman and Superintendent Brown investigating the wiring. Title is taken from the subject matter of the photograph;After the electrocution of Woods and Carter;Transmission pole was at 17th Ave and 5th Street E;Includes photocopies of the news paper articles of the day and a summary of notes; ;See 910605033 - 910605046 ; 120mm negative located in Box 02, Bay 222, Shelf 05 Repository

1968 Federal Election collection

  • PAA paa-9500
  • Collection
  • 1968

The collection consists of material related to candidates from Alberta for the 1968 Federal Election and includes pamphlets, correspondence, posters, and clippings.

A. Russell Patrick fonds

  • PAA paa-6447
  • Fonds
  • 1928-1994

Fonds consists of a compilation of historical anecdotes written by A. Russell Patrick about his years as a Provincial Cabinet Minister, two printed documents written by A. Russell Patrick, three photographs, and two menus for a banquet in honour of the 60th anniversary of the Edmonton Journal.

Sans titre

Résultats 1 à 10 sur 5974