Alberta. Ministry of Human Resources and Employment

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Authorized form of name

Alberta. Ministry of Human Resources and Employment

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        <em>Dates of founding and/or dissolution:</em> The Ministry of Human Resources and Employment was founded effective May 27, 1999 by means of Order in Council 241/99 pursuant to the <em>Government Organization Act, </em>1994 c. G-8.5. <em> Functional responsibility:</em> The Ministry of Human Resources and Employment is responsible for:;oversight and design of social services programs, including income support and employment support programs,;regulation of the workplace and employer-employee relations, including employment standards, workplace health and safety, and mediation services,;oversight of personnel services within the provincial government,;oversight of certification in specified professions and occupations, and registration of professional and occupational associations, and;manpower development programs. The Minister of Human Resources and Employment is responsible for the administration of the following acts and regulations pursuant to these acts. General - <em> Government Organization Act</em>, Schedule 8;Social services, income support, employment support and manpower development;<em>Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped Act;Dependent Adults Act;Domestic Relations Act;Income Support Recovery Act;Metis Settlements Act;Metis Settlements Land Protection Act;Parentage and Maintenance Act;Personal Directives Act;Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act;Social Development Act;Special Payment Act;Student and Temporary Employment Act;Widows' Pension Act</em>;Occupational health and safety;<em>Occupational Health and Safety Act;Radiation Protection Act</em>;Employment standards;Employment Standards Code;Labour relations (Labour Relations Board);<em>Burial of the Dead Act;Labour Relations Code;Managerial Exclusion Act;Police Officers Collective Bargaining Act;Public Service Employee Relations Act</em>;Personnel administration for the Government of Alberta (Personnel Administration Office);<em>Public Service Act</em>;Workers' compensation (Workers' Compensation Board);<em>Blind Workers' Compensation Act;M.L.A. Compensation Act;Workers' Compensation Act</em>;Professions and occupations;<em>Agrologists Act;Architects Act;Certified General Accountants Act;Certified Management Accountants Act;Chartered Accountants Act;Consulting Engineers of Alberta Act;Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act;Forestry Profession Act;Land Agents Licensing Act;Land Surveyors Act;Professional and Occupational Associations Registration Act;Regulated Accounting Professions Act;Veterinary Professions Act</em>;<em>Predecessor and successor bodies:</em> The predecessors of the Ministry of Human Resources and Employment are the Department of Family and Social Services (social services and income support programs), the Department of Labour (workplace and employee-employer relations programs, professions and occupations, Labour Relations Board, Workers' Compensation Board, Workers' Compensation Board Appeals Commission), and the Department of Advanced Education and Career Development (training, manpower development and the Personnel Administration Office). <em> Administrative relationships:</em> The Ministry of Human Resources and Employment reports to the Legislative Assembly through the Minister of Human Resources and Employment. A number of agencies either report to the Minister or through him to the Legislative Assembly. These agencies are the Personnel Administration Office, Workers' Compensation Board, Workers' Compensation Board Appeals Commission, Labour Relations Board, and the Occupational Health and Safety Council. Information about these agencies may be found in their respective sous-fonds descriptions. <em>Administrative structure:</em> The Ministry is made up of the:;Department of Human Resources and Employment,;Personnel Administration Office,;Alberta Labour Relations Board,;Workers' Compensation Board,;Workers' Compensation Board Appeals Commission,;Council on Professions and Occupations,;Occupational Health and Safety Council,;Council on Workplace Safety, and;Employability Council. Programs and services of Human Resources and Employment are delivered through a network of offices and Career Development Centres located throughout the province. Training programs are also delivered through post-secondary institutions, private schools, high schools, and private providers. At the time that the Ministry was created, the Department was made up of seven divisions. Regional Services Delivery (renamed Delivery Services Division in 2002): responsible for the administration of the network of regional and district offices that deliver training, student finance support, income support, family maintenance, worksite health and safety management, and temporary employment programs, guardianship services for dependent adults, and distribute labour market information and information about employment standards;Program Design Division: responsible for the design, development and implementation of income support, social services, job training and labour market programs, creation of support materials for case workers, development of program guidelines, interdepartmental liaison, and provision of consulting services regarding professions and occupations. Performance, Evaluation and Information Services Division: responsible for design, development and implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems for programs, creation and operation of departmental systems for information management and distribution. Strategic Services Division: responsible for legislative support services to the department, strategic planning and issues management, and mediation services. Finance Division: responsible for financial administration and planning for the department, asset management, budgeting and forecasting;Information Management and Technology Division: responsible for planning and maintenance of information systems and data for the Ministry. Human Resources Division: responsible for personnel support functions for the department. In 2000, the Performance, Evaluation and Information Services Division was eliminated. Most of its responsibilities were added to those of the Strategic Services Division. Its Appeal functions were merged with the Mediation Services activities of Strategic Services to form the new Workplace Relationships Division. This Division was renamed Workplace Investments in 2002. In February 2002, the structure of the department was reorganized. The Finance, Human Resources, and Information Management and Technology Divisions were merged to form the Corporate Services Division. At this time, the Program Design Division was broken up to form two new Divisions, the People Investments Division, responsible for income support and social services programs and the Skills Investments Division, responsible for training, manpower development and labour market programs. <em> Names of chief officers:</em> Minister of Human Resources and Employment: Clinton E. Dunford May 26, 1999-present


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            Maintenance notes