The Coal Branch Club is a social group formed by and for the former members of the Coal Branch mines. The Coal Branch region is in Central Western Alberta and included the communities of Mountain Park, Cadomin, and Luscar. It was developed in 1910 by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway to provide coal for their railway. It included nine major mines and more than twelve smaller operations. Production reached a maximum in World War Two when the mines provided coal for the war effort. However, with the discovery of oil and natural gas in Alberta, the market for coal decreased. The mines would close in rapid succession from 1951 to 1962. As the communities were company towns built on forest reserve land leased from the province, the companies simply cleared the landscape of all operations. Families were forced to move away, and many came to Edmonton.
The Coal Branch Club formed through former coal branch residents who had moved to Edmonton starting in the 1950’s. The group started rather informally, meeting for dances, dinners and picnics. Then in 1959 the club formed and began organizing annual social events. They organized there first reunion back at the mountains of Coal Branch in 1985, and had additional reunions in 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005.